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Turn Off Intellisense?
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Hmmm....I guess the event handler -wouldn't- stop with an EDITSOURCE() function, would it. Sorry -- my bad. That makes it a bit tougher to do this operation in one swell foop, though...you may be stuck with two PRG's, one for saving the EditorOptions state/editing the source file and one for restoring the default EditorOptions values.

As it seems you're using the Project Manager for these edits, you might be able to create your own ProjectHook subclass that does some of this for you. I think you might have to wait until VFP8 for some of the events you need to accomplish this, though. I don't have VFP8 available as I write this, or I'd check it out for you.

A crazy thought -- you *might* be able to do the reset of the EditorOptions with a Timer in the Project or ProjectHook and checking date/time of the file against a stored date/time before you edited that same file, but that seems to me to be a huge amount of effort for very little return (not to mention a major kludge).

>Well, it didn't work after all. EDITSOURCE() doesn't wait. It just opens tcPrgName and continues on. So "_VFP.EditorOptions = lcOldOptions" gets executed before I can start editing tcPrgName. But I think this on the right track.
>>You can use EDITSOURCE() in a small "start my edit" PRG that would look something like this:
>>LOCAL lcOldOptions
>>lcOldOptions = _VFP.EditorOptions
>>_VFP.EditorOptions = ""
>>= EDITSOURCE( tcPrgName )
>>_VFP.EditorOptions = lcOldOptions
>>HTH -- and George, please excuse my jumping into his response to your answer (sheepish grin)
>>>>>I'm writing PRGs that write HTML files.
>>>>>It's really iritating to have intellisense change the case of words that need to be lower case.
>>>>>ie: every time I type 'if', it changes it to 'IF', but javascript needs it be lower case.
>>>>>Intellisense recognizes WITH THIS while editing. Is there some way I can get it to recognize TEXT NOSHOW also.
>>>>>Or any other suggestions on how to turn it off automatically while I'm editing the PRG that creates the HTML file?
>>>>Go to the Intellisense manager and uncheck the Enable Intellisense check box on the General Tab.
>>>I don't want it turned off all the time. I just want it to quit working when I'm in TEXT..ENDTEXT. I would even accept it, if I could turn it off for the particular PRG, but I don't want to have to remember to turn it back on when I done with that PRG.
Evan Pauley, MCP
Positronic Technology Systems LLC
Knoxville, TN

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