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Turn Off Intellisense?
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Yea, too much work.
I finally decided just to do an OKL to toggle it on and off.

>Hmmm....I guess the event handler -wouldn't- stop with an EDITSOURCE() function, would it. Sorry -- my bad. That makes it a bit tougher to do this operation in one swell foop, though...you may be stuck with two PRG's, one for saving the EditorOptions state/editing the source file and one for restoring the default EditorOptions values.
>As it seems you're using the Project Manager for these edits, you might be able to create your own ProjectHook subclass that does some of this for you. I think you might have to wait until VFP8 for some of the events you need to accomplish this, though. I don't have VFP8 available as I write this, or I'd check it out for you.
>A crazy thought -- you *might* be able to do the reset of the EditorOptions with a Timer in the Project or ProjectHook and checking date/time of the file against a stored date/time before you edited that same file, but that seems to me to be a huge amount of effort for very little return (not to mention a major kludge).
>>Well, it didn't work after all. EDITSOURCE() doesn't wait. It just opens tcPrgName and continues on. So "_VFP.EditorOptions = lcOldOptions" gets executed before I can start editing tcPrgName. But I think this on the right track.
>>>You can use EDITSOURCE() in a small "start my edit" PRG that would look something like this:
>>>LOCAL lcOldOptions
>>>lcOldOptions = _VFP.EditorOptions
>>>_VFP.EditorOptions = ""
>>>= EDITSOURCE( tcPrgName )
>>>_VFP.EditorOptions = lcOldOptions
>>>HTH -- and George, please excuse my jumping into his response to your answer (sheepish grin)
>>>>>>I'm writing PRGs that write HTML files.
>>>>>>It's really iritating to have intellisense change the case of words that need to be lower case.
>>>>>>ie: every time I type 'if', it changes it to 'IF', but javascript needs it be lower case.
>>>>>>Intellisense recognizes WITH THIS while editing. Is there some way I can get it to recognize TEXT NOSHOW also.
>>>>>>Or any other suggestions on how to turn it off automatically while I'm editing the PRG that creates the HTML file?
>>>>>Go to the Intellisense manager and uncheck the Enable Intellisense check box on the General Tab.
>>>>I don't want it turned off all the time. I just want it to quit working when I'm in TEXT..ENDTEXT. I would even accept it, if I could turn it off for the particular PRG, but I don't want to have to remember to turn it back on when I done with that PRG.
Bill Morris

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