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The French and Unilateralism
04/03/2003 17:31:47
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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All this political business on the Internet is a bit touchy. I am concerned about using the UT as a political forum as we do have an international community. My words are not meant to demean any individuals outside of government, but rather the attitudes of government – any government, when I object to what has been said.

I do object to the President of France, and the words he used towards those nations who wish to become members of the EU. The problem I have with his statement has to do not so much with the words as with the attitude. Additionally, I am concerned what his attitude may mean for those potential EU members in the future. He has let it be known that he finds fault with those that disagree with him and agree with the United States in this specific case. This is only the beginning of the potential relationship aspiring nations will face who wish to become members of the EU.

I realize my words have very little impact on the world. However I would like to point out that I am not the political leader of a nation nor am I in a position of power to hurt others with words, actions or deeds.

During my lifetime I have met many people from all over the world and have learned much from every one of them. I truly like people but I cannot say the same of government. When the will of one person dictates the policy for a nation we can only pray that it does not do injury to anyone.


>I'd have to agree with Fred. What purpose in attacking the French or casting back in history for stuff they did wrong. Most nations did stuff wrong at one time or another. If people want to nurse resentments then the Suez-Sinai episode, Armenians in Turkey, Bay of Pigs, Rainbow Warrior, Bikini Atoll might be added in there as well.
>Take a look at http://www.megastories.com/mideast/wars/1956.htm. How *dare* the French not support the US, right? Also check http://www.megastories.com/mideast/wars/1956.htm for a reasonably fair summary of the reasons why US got involved in aid/military in the Middle East in the first place. Also consider the US's firm position at that time, as stated in the UN, that force is inappropriate to settle international matters. How things change.
>Seriously, I am not getting at the US, I'm pointing out that everybody can cast back for resentments but if it starts affecting relationships in 2003, those responsible might as well go and help Saddam on his quest for world peace.
>FWIW, France occupied by Germany is a bit like the South immediately after your Civil War; there is smouldering resentment but most people are aware of consequences of overt opposition. The French have always been pragmatists.

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