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Yes ... .NET is here to stay
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>It includes everything like that ... you see sport ... I don't have any editors except the folks that follow behind me ... it's people like you and your destructive comments that prevent other people from thinking that their work might be worth something and thereby prevent them from doing anything for fear of reading your scathing remarks ... I however have no fear of the likes of you nor will your comments stop me from doing anything I think is valuable ... if you don't value it and you don't use it and you aren't willing to improve it ... please remain silent ... no one will think you are super intelligent just by providing your negative criticism.
>Now if you would like to point out the mistakes that you think you see I'll be more than happy to fix them so as to prevent the pain you so obviously feel ... however, I don't think you are the kind of person who constructive criticizes anything.

If this thread had contained anything worthwhile on .Net I might have had greater ability to resist the temptation to deploy the flame thrower – alas no mention of the extremely poor performance, especially in the IDE. No mention of the immense learning curve, take for example:
If Me.TextBox1.Text = “SomeValue” Then
In the above one could be forgiven for thinking that TextBox1 is an object and that Text is a property of that object. This is only partially true because Text whilst being a property is itself an object, so
If Me.TextBox1.Text.Length = 0 Then
is also valid. As is:
 If Me.TextBox1.Text.Length.ToStr() = “0” Then
and (a subtle variation) :
 If CStr(Me.TextBox1.Text.Length) = “0” Then
From my perspective, this thread simply evangelizes .Net and in a fashion that lacks any compelling or cogent argument. All I can see is mutual back patting. Further it would seem that you have little respect for your readership – why else would you countenance foisting such poorly crafted missives on the rest of us.

Speaking for myself, I believe:
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
•Abraham Lincoln

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