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Career Advice
24/01/2004 13:45:34
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Visual FoxPro
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I respect your meanings and your forcasts for the future, but why the f**k must you tell us 'idiots' over and over and over again what fools we are who don't agree with you, and how perfect and smart you are since you have seen the light.

Let's review. The originator of this thread is asking for career advice and further, is asking if HIS theories make sense. I concured with his opinion and said as much. NO WHERE - will you find in my response to him where I call you or anybody else a fool. He is asking about HIS situation - and I responded. IMO, if one is proficient in Fox, and you see the well drying up or dried up - then it makes ZERO sense IMO to invest in the product - whether it is training, exams, conferences, etc. That is my opinion and one that you clearly disagree with.

If you want to be educated about it and disagree, then disagree with the point in such a way that you don't attack the person. I don't really care if you attack me personally because 1 - I can take it and 2 - it is you that ends up looking foolish.

I guess you are also religious and dislike gay people?

Talk about coming out of "left" field here. No, I am not particularly religious. I have my beliefs - but I don't force people to have my beliefs. Your attack here is 100% besides the point.

Oh, and by the way, there is a close relative in my family who is gay. For the record, I have no problems with homosexuals.

I have seen your kind before. Arrogant is not a word to cover your feet. Actually I attended one of your classes at a devcon 7-8 years ago, but it was not until a day or two ago I discovered this when I went through my sessions notes. I remeber that you were agood teacher, but you also were very arrogant, there were many opinions about the subject you taught, but only your opinion was right. I also remeber that I promised myself that I should not go to any of your sessions anymore, but since you did not speak at the next devcons, I forgot your name.

Well this is convienent - isn't it?? The first devcon I spoke at was in 1997. The last was in 1999 - so your dates are off a bit. By the way, which session was it?

Personally, I think you are interjecting some hindsight bias here..

Many here at UT tell you over and over and over again that we don't want to hear your 'most valid and extremely important' comments because we simply are too stupid to see the light ourselves.

Actually, it is only a handful of you. But understand that people like you are not my intended audience. And FWIW, I am not trying to convert anybody. Rather, I try to give an opinoin that is informed and that balances the discussion.

It is interesting that in this thread, you chose not to give advise to the thread originator. Why don't you give him your advise?

We want to keep on wearing our blinds and walk over the edge when MSFT maybe sometimes in the future will discontinue VFP. But we want to do so WITHOUT you telling us how stupid and blind we are. You simply can not stop us, we are believers, and we want to stay believers.


Who is We? I see you speaking for yourself here - not for a large group of people. Understand that people like you are a vast vocal minority. Most people are reasonable and evaluate opinions from all sides and make up their own minds. These reasonable people tend not to be whiners, complainers, and flat out cry babies. These reasonable people value and respect the right of others to express an opinion - even if it is different than their own.

Do you have any comprehension how foolish you make yourself when you blast back with off topic comments about me being in effect - a "gay basher"???? Any point you hoped to make is invalidated. And as a consequence, you really cannot be taken seriously.

If you were a VFP guru a few years back, and managed to switch over to .NET, MSQL, Oracle or whatever it is, who says that we idiots are not able to switch over when time is ready?

There you go again labeling yourself as an idiot - or asserting that I say you are an idiot.

The idiots Tore are the ones who attack me for expressing my opinion without debating the points. The idiots are the ones who go for the ad-hom attacks instead of addrssing the point itself. The people who are not idiots are the ones who engage in a rational discussion - who don't take things personally -who don't bit back with off the wall and off-topic comments like you did above.

Tore - which camp are you in? Or perhaps better put - do you wish to change camps?

Maybe .NET also is dead by then, maybe SQL is dead, and we can jump directly into the technology of the future without wasting time on whatever is most popular now?

This is a common myth by those in the extreme vocal minority - that I advocate people jump to the latest and greatest. To review, SQL Server has been around a while. .NET has been around for 2 years now. I advocate that people keep their options open, explore, evaluate, but most of all, learn. And when I say learn, I am not talking just 0's and 1's. I am talking about the business realities of the day.

In the end, if people continue to use VFP and make a living - good for them. My goal is help those VFP developers who cannot find VFP work - and have to move on.

By the way, I guess you drive your own personal 80 seats bus to work because you realize that sometimes in the future your family won't fit into your sedan? And your house is a 10000 sqft building to be on the safe side?

Actually, I drive a Volvo S60 and my house is only 3K square feet.

One second note. Please, please take small break and a cup of coffee and read through the messages you have sent the last few days. If you still don't understand why many here at UT think you are an arrogant a$$hole, you have a very big problem!

Actually, you need to sit back, relax, and not personalize things so much..

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