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First - I love you Dmtry - and I am sure you love me. We are human.

You brought up Wolfowitz and Perle in your email to me. They are government employees. They're working on my dime.

It seems you saying before a policeman arrests a man, or a court prosecutes a man, it first needs to be determined if he is Jewish? Is it anti-semitic to prosecute or investigate a crime if (it turns out) the perpertrator is Jewish?

I read the word "moneychanger" in the bible. Please point me to a list of words that I cannot use or people I cannot critize and then tell me what we should do with the first amendment.

Shouting "fire" in a theatre is not much different than justifying the death of 10s of thousands of innocent Iraqis based on a lie that so-and-so has nuclear weappns that he could launch at the US in 45 minutes. There is only one country in the middle east that has nukes.

And it seems you're telling me that critizing a government employee when their decisions (based on lies) have killed thousands and cost billions, is wrong only in cases where the employee may be (or pretend to be) Jewish?

Jews are just like the rest of us. Loving and caring people, It is unfortunate, though a fact of life, that there are criminals in any group subscribing to a particular mythology.

I think if you read anything on that site, you would learn a great deal. You will also learn that people like Uri Averi, George Soros and Noam Chomsky are contributors to that site. They are not viewed as Jews, but rather anti-war activists.

Nobody blames Israel or Jews - just as no one blames Germany. One tyrant had concentration camps and a new tyrant has refugee camps. You tell me which camp would offer a better standard of living.

Porky is a euphimism for "fat". Loosen up Dmtry!:-)

And he is fat. And henchman is a mild term. He is also know as the "butcher". He was responsible for the deaths of 3200 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon in 1982. I don't know what the status of the war crime charges against him are, but he is not a nice man. You don't have to be brave to murder children in a refugee camp. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

And, he is bad for Israel. Half a million public sector employees have not been paid in months. McDonalds has left. The airports and docks are intermittenly closed. The economy is in a shambles, yet the government came up with enough money to buy 500 bunker busters from the US arms dealers. It's crazy, he can buy bombs but not pay the garbagemen!

Imagine what a powerhouse Israel could be if she just made peace and played by the rules (UN 242 and Oslo). We could go to Jordan and visit Petra, go to Egypt and see the Pyramids, the city of Urh in Iraq, Jerusalem Bethlehem. We could visit those places without fear without guilt.

But if that happened, the bomb makers would be out of business, oil would drop below 25/BBl and all the corrupt monechangers that are pitching a charade of fear and robbing the global treasury and spilling the blood of the globe's youth would be out of business.

You read to much into words. Look at the big picture. Look at what peace would mean to us.

The UN, the US State Department, the EU, The 9-11 Commission and Bin Ladden agree on one thing: The root cause of terrorism is the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. And since more Israelis died from car accidents last weekend than have been killed by militants in the last 6 months, it may be helpful to examine Israel's role. 150 "campers" in Gaza have died in the last three weeks from Israeli rockets, bombs and bullets. Driving cars in Palestine is a rare event, indeed!

Did you visit Jews Against Zionism and Tikkun?

And by the way, from talking to many Russian Jews and American Jews, all of them believe that Palestinians have the right to have an independent state and
live in peace in prosperity next to the state of Israel.

Well quit b#tching at me about it and do something!

The link to the article you posted is a lie and piece of anti-semitic propaganda, cleverly disguised as a scientific report. The author craftily insinuates on connection between American scientists, Paul Wolfowitz and William Crystal (both Jews)

The term "Jew" does not appear once in that article. And since Israel cost the US taxpayer 10B$ this year, we have a right to look at a critize what her government is doing with that money. Many of us have been waiting to ween Israel off our treasury for years.

The provocations in Israel are fabricated by oligarchs, moneychangers and bombmakers - they don't care about Israel or the US - where ever there is a chance to spill blood they will profit - and it also helps for unrest to raise the price of cost-plus oil. The people making the money are the oil oligarchs and the bomb oligarchs. Me - you - a Palestinian and an Israeli - we are all suffering because of them.

It's not our differences - its the provocations of the suedo-nobility-oligarchs fanning the aspirations of a dominion heresy that are causing the problems.

Imagination is more important than knowledge

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