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People in America in a one on one are kind and generous. Maybe schools have changed - maybe it's mercury from coal fired plants.

I saw a piece with R. Kennedy Jr a few nights back. He suggested that most American women have 3 times the 'acceptable' amount of mercury "in their wombs".

He also discussed a "dominion heresy". This is an enabling (mind control) practiced by 'evangelical' clergy that teaches America is special to god, and that god encourages america to dominate the world. And that an army of christian soldiers is not committing murder when it kills in the name of god. The legal reasons and a requirement for international approval cannot stop gods work.

Georger Soros suggested that American Jewry should think twice about the so-called neocon (Evangelical Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists)relation. First, ask any Evangelical if non-Christians are going to hell. They will say yes. Jerry Faldwell and Pat Robertson have done so publicly. So the partnership between the hell bound and the saved should be viewed with a great deal of suspician - if you beleive that kind of stuff.

Soros says that Evangelicals are doing all they can to hasten the destruction of Israel because it will signal the so-called second comming.

The second comming mythology means the end of human kind. I call this an "armageddon heresy". Now I have read Revelations. Revelations already happened. It was a call to arms by Xtians in Nero's Rome. Remember "Rome burned while Nero played his harp"? The seven headed beast were the seven hills of rome. It's a call for Xtians to kill and plunder. Rome, today, is America. Evangelicism seems a call for the destruction of America.

I [hoped to] hijacked this thread because there was/is no reason for the deaths in Iraq. Most of the messages seemed to knit-pick about who was lying, a bad plan or not a bad plan. My guy is better than your guy. Today it has been estimated that 100,000 INNOCENT Iraqis havve died as a result of the invasion from bombs, bullets, disease and malnutrition. 1100+ young americans ave died - 8000+ are getting learning how to live with stumps, missing lower jaws - no sex organs - etc. All the reason for the wars were lies. America is guilty of war crimes.

If we need to call it "spreading democracy" then why isn't the media showing us pictures of the results. Here are pictures of our spreading of democracy:

We have to understand that the national propaganda service, our news media is owned and controlled by the bomb makers and an abomination of Judaism, Zionists. GE sells the gats that zap the DU bullets, and makes the engines in the jet-fighters that drop the bombs. GE also owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC. Did anyone ever hear those outlets challenge the voracity of the (fabricated) WMD story. The TV News failed us. They enabled us to to let this administration take .5 Trillion of our tax dollars, spread it around to their friends, kill 100K Iraqi and 1100 Americans. And then, as icing on the cake, our lying illustrious secretary of state's [Colin Bowell] some how gets his son as the bos at the FCC, and our bandwidth is given away, without hearings, to all the good ole boys that helped spred the lie.

Instead of being outraged, born again sheeples in the bible belt, and mid-western states are saying it's "god's will", "god talks to the dunce in the whitehouse". Its crazy.

If one person can be killed because god said so - then anybody could. Can you imagine future murder trials with a defense "god said he meant me harm and then god told me to kill him." This is worst kind of facism. When the world sanctions us - as they are beginning to do. When the oligarchs drop their pretense of care, who do these evangelicals think will provide them with the means for their petty vanities?

I aint voting for either. But George should win! If you look at Kerry and Edwards stock portfolios - you'll see there weighted with stocks like Martin Lockeed, GE. Dubya's dad runs Carlyle Group. Colen Bowell is a participant.
And of course, Cheney is still getting a profitab;e stiphen from Haliburton.

SO I SAY - LET THEM HAVE PRINCE GEORGE ANOTHER FOUR YEARS - We need someone as dumb,ruthless and selfish as his administration is to weed the gene pool of zealot born again idiots. There children will come back from the crusade with DU withered cahones, or no cahones at all. The borderline ones will get a chance to reconsider what the flock they were thinking about to let this happen as they bury their mangled children, and then walk to a soup kitchen - they'll have to walk - that pickup will be too costly to drive - for meal of thin broth and cakes, and 3rd rinse coffee.

The world - if they read - if they can get away from the bs on TV - is laughing at us. As we speak, the center of civiliization is moving toward Eurasia. We will be third world. We deserve it. But thats the only way to clean the gene pool. Thats the only option left when common sense and humanity are traded away so under the allusion that god wants us all to die together on judgement day and watch THE white light in the big mall in the sky- sheesh!

That was about as funny as a truckload of iraqi babies with a live GI amputee at the bottom trying to chew her way out. The fruity rut of death in Iraq - a rose from god!

Well - back to my project and hate mail from the loonies!
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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