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16/11/2004 16:47:43
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I personally am not too religious since it was obvious to me a long time ago that for far too many people the purpose of religion is to determine who the enemy is.

There have been far too many wars in my lifetime, all in the name of religion. I just hope that all those people who think we are headed towards armeggedon are wrong.

>>Haven't talked to you in a few weeks. Been just taking it in for a few.
>>First, on your comment below about the US army on the way to Berlin. I remember reading a review of "Band of Brothers" before I saw it. It stated the episode when the find the camps was extremely emotional. But I didn't believe it until I watched it. I turned off the tv after watching that episode and just sat there for quite a while afterwards.
>>Now, for current events, Bill Moyers had a Nun on last Fri nite who has an extensive list of humanitarian causes she has worked on in her life. She was extremely strong in stating how these evanlegicals are not her Christians. How true Christians do not force their believes on you. She stated several examples of the hypocracy of many of these people. How they are anti-abortion, yet there is no dicussion of how many civilians that have been killed in this war are pregnant mothers.
>>I had a discussion prior to the election about how frightning some current religious events are. It appears we are headed back to the stone ages. I just read about a sticker that some parents in Georgia want attached to science textbooks . Something to the effect that the contents of the book that discuss evolution are not proven facts.
>>I am truly, truly, frightened that people that think this way think they are qualified to make decisions affecting my life. I thought this battle was fought a long, long time ago.
>I saw the Bill Moyers program the other evening and enjoyed the words of the Catholic Nun.
>We are heading back to our Puritan roots. The Puritan’s came here because of religious persecution, and persecuted any one who celebrated a religion different from theirs. You have to hate and call yourself a “true Christian”, dismiss the thoughts and beliefs of all other humans on the face of the earth and then eliminate all those who think differently.
>The Christian fundamentalists have a serious problem. They justify all their acts as the word and will of God. Everyone else is a pagan and must be eliminated. The beliefs of Christianity include love, tolerance, forgiveness and many other elements. Such beliefs are not within the grasp or understanding of Christian fundamentalists.
>To understand in part what Christian fundamentalists believe one has only to read a few posts from the rabid individuals on this forum. Only they know the truth. Everyone else is ignorant.
>A Christian fundamentalist is all about brotherly hate, killing, intolerance, and that is the short list! Being a Catholic I forgive all Christian fundamentalists. Can they forgive the rest of the world?

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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